painting and photographic works

Archive for October, 2015

Simplified Geometry

Three recent (2015 October) photos – abstracts, in that what makes them interesting is the simplification of, the focus on, certain geometric forms.

Window on Blue

Window on Blue

"Where Leaves Go"

“Where Leaves Go”

On the Step

On the Step

A Studio to Call your Own – Reminiscing

A year ago I was packing up the studio that I’d called “my space” for 16 months. It was hard. I came to the reluctant decision that I had to move out of lovely studio space.

It was May of 2014 when I noticed a sign on the outside of a historic (over a century old) building in downtown Edmonton, a comfortable half hour walk from my home.

Studios were located on the 3rd and 4th floors, in a variety of sizes. I was able to get a very generous space of over 400 square feet. That amount of space was very beneficial to me. Of course it meant that I didn’t have to clean up after every creative session, packing away wet materials and works in progress. It meant that I could set up separate work spaces for my two main painting medias: oil and acrylic.

First into the studio space – my oils

The space gave me room to get, and keep, organized. A set of shelves, behind my work table and next to an easel were dedicated to my acrylic paints and media.

Acrylics Shelf

A similar set-up of shelves, table and easel on the other side of the room was dedicated to oils:

Studio Divided

The space allowed me to work larger than I had been. Canvases of 3 by 4 feet (90 by 120 cm) became my standard and I assembled some even larger stretchers (but never did get around to putting canvas on them).

Big Stretchers

Even with the two work spaces,  I still had lots of floor space to use when I needed to paint on the floor, to build stretchers or for varnishing.

Paintings on the floor for varnishing

In the end it was time to retreat to a much smaller home studio, disassembling shelves and stretchers and hauling out many carloads of supplies and many mostly-completed paintings

Packed up and Ready to go

Packed up and Ready to go

And in the end that highly creative space reverts to just a space.

The Final View - Empty Studio

The Final View – Empty Studio (like in the beginning)

A year later I can see ever so clearer how important that space was. Although I do have some space at home that I am re-converting into a working studio, progress has been very slow. I didn’t paint at all for half a year. Finally I cleared out a little space and created 3 works. Now I am back into re-organizing mode that will hopefully give me room for a couple of easels and two distinct little work areas (one for acrylics and one for oils, with a third, a small table for pastel work).

The other important function of that studio space was storage. I had lots of space for materials – for stretcher bars and canvas rolls, for primed canvases and boards, for paintings in various states of progress, completed works awaiting varnish and framing and exhibition-ready pieces. Now I have all these things stored around my house in different rooms, paintings stacked up, eight deep, against walls and bookshelves. My ultimate goal is to make my studio space just a working space – the storage issue is a whole other problem that I will have to address. I suppose someday it will all come together …

Leaf Beauty

Autumn is overwhelming – so many leaves, so much color!

I am often drawn to the broad sweeps of vivid color in the fall landscape but I also like to enjoy the natural artistry in the details. My camera encourages me to slow down and look at the beauty on a smaller scale – the beauty of each single leaf.

Veined Yellow Leaf

Veined Yellow Leaf

Green to Red (with yellow)

Red Veins into Green (with yellow)

Green Spots

Green Spots



On Black Earth

On Black Earth

Autumn Leaves (again)

Ah, the seductiveness of the colors of  autumn. Every year I am awed by nature’s spectacle.

“But not this year!”, I told myself as fall descended on my part of the world. It seemed every year I took pictures and I’m sure if I went back and actually looked at images from previous years I would find the same scenes and colors repeating themselves. The golden trees against the deep blue sky have become so cliche – it’s not just me, everyone is taking the same photos!

But you know what? I couldn’t resist. I’ve taken photos of those autumn leaves again and I will share them again. I will however try to share those images that are a little bit different.

...and a touch of teal

…and a touch of teal



A Carpet of Fallen

A Carpet of Fallen

Lone Leaf

Lone Leaf

Flying Carpet

Flying Carpet

On a Muddy Track

On a Muddy Track

Red on Green